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A letter to Naomi's mother

Written on Mother's Day (05/23/18) in honor of National Birth Mother's day:

To Naomi's birth mother,

We have never met and chances are slim we ever will.

I don’t know your story.

I don’t know your circumstances.

But I do know this… I love YOU.

I’m thankful for you.

For your courage and bravery in choosing to give your baby LIFE.

I honor your role in her life.

I know every August 15 while we are celebrating her birthday,

you will be mourning, aching to hold her.

It’s an interesting feeling to be so excited for our growing family

yet mourning the loss you have experienced.

Is it possible to feel joy and sorrow at the same time?

I know you will never forget her.

And I will make sure YOU are not forgotten.

You will always be spoken of with respect, gentleness

and kindness in our home.

She will know that you placed her in a safe and sacred place

where you knew she would be found.

You respected her.

You loved her.

I know you have hopes and dreams for her.

I hope your soul knows that she is safe,

that she is being loved and cared for,

that we are hoping to make those hopes and dreams to reality for her.

I hope with all my heart we will meet someday.

And on this day where mothers are being honored,

I want you to know I honor and love YOU.

And I’m grateful to share the beautiful and sacred title of MOTHER with you.


Naomi's adoptive mother

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