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Naomi's Room

We leave for China early in the morning! It's crazy to think the day is finally here! Even though we've preparing for this for 11 months we're still rushing to get ready haha. As I packed the last items in Naomi's suitcase today, I looked back at her room and imagined her cute little face peering through the crib slats. The next time I'm in this room, she will be here. It's so surreal to think.

We started decorating her room clear back in November and it's just been sitting there empty for so long, I've waited a long time to decorate a room in pink. ;) Hopefully she likes pink - haha. I can't wait to fill her room with book reading, music, laughter, and tea parties and lots and lots of love. The moment we've prayed for is almost here, and we couldn't feel more blessed.

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