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Naomi's Firsts

Watching my boys' major milestones as they've grown has been one of my highlights as a mother. The first time they smiled, when they started to crawl, when they took their first steps, said their first words, etc. Most kids' first words are mama or dada but Naomi's were not. Maybe it was "nanny"? Her favorite food? I don't know. She is no longer with the same nannies that likely heard her first words so we'll never know. In the last update we received, it mentioned she wasn't saying too many words yet. Although I didn't get to hear her first Chinese words, I'm excited I'll get to hear her first English ones. I wonder what her first will be? I'm rooting for "mama". ;)

When we first received her file, she was only 13 months old and not yet walking. Months later we asked if she was walking and were told yes, but had not yet seen evidence of it. That evidence was a big deal to us, considering we weren't sure if she would even be able to walk with her spina bifida. We received pictures of her standing and holding on to things, but never actual proof of her walking. We requested a video and were so grateful to receive one of her not only walking, but walking like a champ. Girlfriend looks like she's on a mission to get that treat her nanny was luring her with. A girl after my own heart.

I can't tell you how relieved we were. We cried happy tears when we saw that video. Also, notice the boiled egg she has in one hand. Almost every time we talk to her, she's eating a boiled egg. Apparently, a favorite food of hers. I was relieved to hear that! At least that's one food I can cook that I know she'll eat. haha

In most pictures we've received of Naomi, she's pretty serious and when we are able to video chat with her she is always very somber. Her nannies say it's because she is removed from the other children during playtime to speak with us. Poor girl - having to miss playtime to speak to strangers. I hope she doesn't hold that against us. haha I'm sure our light skin, hair and eyes frightens her as well. Plus, she's talking to us on a device, something she isn't exposed to often. It's an exciting experience for us to talk to her, but she doesn't seem to enjoy it too much. Our hope is that by talking with/seeing us every so often, it will help her not be as traumatized meet us. Since we don't get even a smile when we chat, we were so grateful to get this next video, showing her playing and laughing. Most parents first get to hear their child laugh around month 3 or 4. We had to wait until about 21 months. But we'll take it!

Music to my ears. She is the sweetest thing I've ever seen and I love her. I don't know how long it will take until we'll be able to make her laugh like that, but I look forward to the day when we get to hear those giggles often.

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