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Fundraiser Results

Wow! We are all completely in shock by the response we got with our fundraiser. Ya'll blew us out of the water! We were hoping for a couple thousand dollars and we surpassed that within 24 hours. Thank you SO much for all the support. We can't wait to give this all to Naomi's orphanage in Zhumadian. We know it will make a huge difference in the lives of the children.

Every time we got a donation in my heart just burst and many times brought me to tears. I can't tell you how many donations we received from people who were truly giving the "widow's mite", people who we know don't have the money to be donating yet DID and it melted us. Thank you, THANK YOU! Below are our results (we actually got in more money after we made our thank you video and we still have a few people that have said they're still planning to bring us donations, so the totals in the video does not reflect the totals below (the ones below are more accurate):

Monetary Donations = $5731

Venmo & PayPal: $3023

GoFundMe: $2018

PayPal: $255

Cash: $415

Item donations = $2464

Amazon Gift Registry: $544

Cleft lip & palate bottle donations: $1000 (Dr. McKenna, Treehouse Pediatrics)

Trueocity toddler toothbrush: $720 (Dr. Jared White, White Dental)

Clothing, lotion, baby wash, blankets, etc = $200


Number of donors: 107

Our post was shared over 100x

Fundraiser video has over 6000 views

Thank you EVERYONE who donated to, liked, and shared, our message and for all of you continuing to follow along on this journey. Your love and support mean the world to us. We LOVE you! From the bottom of our hearts, thank YOU!

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